sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2011

perguntas e respostas kkk copiei da mari e tb tava com preguiça de traduzir....

[ZERO] Your ex texted you and wanted you back, would you take them back?
claro, pq eu tenho celular tb

[ONE] Has anyone told you “Forever and ever” then left?

sim (mari

[TWO] Your relationship status?
forever alone

[THREE] Where did you meet your crush(s)?

olhando nos olhos da pessoa kk n sei onde

[FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?
sim kk

[FIVE] Do you smoke weed regularly?

claro q nao

[SIX] Think back to the beginning of 2011, are you still dating the same person?
nao kk meu relacionamento com o badi acabou em dezembro

[SEVEN] Would your parents be mad if you were in a relationship?
seria a glória

[EIGHT] When was the last time you really laughed?
agora kk qnd eu fui tirar uma foto minha

[NINE] Something’s wrong, first guy you turn too?
mapa do zodiaco

[TEN] First girl you’d go too?
giovanna sl

[ELEVEN] Is there anyone who doesn’t like you because of something you did?
kkkkkkk td mundo da minha sala

[TWELVE] Angry at anyone?
nao mt

[THIRTEEN] What’s stopping you from going for the person you like?
qnd eu acordei e tinha 48848kg a mais
n sei kk n gosto de ngm

[FOURTEEN] When was the last time you cried really hard?

ai n sei o dia, mas eu tava sem internet, tv e sem badi kkk dai eu vi que a vida era só aquilo

[FIFTEEN] Is there anyone you would do anything for?

[SEVENTEEN] Who was the last person you talked to for more than 10 mins on the phone?
[EIGHTEEN] What is your favorite song?

eu adoro head on mt mtmtmtmt 
principalmente qnd parece q eu vou explodir

[NINETEEN] Do you like Red Bull?
uma vez eu fiz o joão me comprar kkk uma bosta pq eu queria dormir do msm jeito
mas eu acho que era ele q era mt chato msm

[TWENTY] How many people can you tell just about everything to?
ngm na real kkkk
eu contava pra dzeila, mas eu so via ela 3 vezes por mês e era mt caro

[TWENTY-ONE] Have you ever wished on a shooting star?

[TWENTY-TWO] Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you?

nao sei msm kkkkk ngm wanto to hold my hand

[TWENTY-FOUR] Describe yourself in one word?

[TWENTY-FIVE] Do you have anything that belongs to your ex?
um anel q nunca tirei do dedo
kkkkkkkk acabei de olhar e vi que ele n esta aqui
claro q eh meu ex viu

[TWENTY SIX] Can you honestly say you’ve had a sleepover with the opposite gender?
festas do pijama acontecem sempre cmg

[TWENTY-SEVEN] Do you rebound?
sei la

[TWENTY-EIGHT] Ever cheated on someone?


[TWENTY-NINE] What would you do if you found out the person you like was in a relationship?
kkkk eu n falaria mais com ela kkk
se bem que kkk a dxa

[THIRTY] Do you act differently around the person you like?
eu ajo diferente com tds kkk determinismo eh a minha desculpa

[THIRTY-ONE] Honestly, what guy’s number do you have memorized?
kkkk n quero falar disso pq tds sabem como sou stalker

[THIRTY-TWO] Is it hard to make you laugh?

[THIRTY-THREE] Who was the last person to make you mad?n sei kk o victor

[THIRTY-FOUR] Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again?
nao kk odeio exs

[THIRTY-FIVE] Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms?

[THIRTY-SIX] Has anyone ever called you “scrumptious” before?

[THIRTY-SEVEN] Would you like to put a night on repeat, and live it forever?

kk nao sei
eu acho que repetiria o dia 20 de junho 
aquilo sim foi head on

[THIRTY-EIGHT] Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?

[THIRTY-NINE] Is your best friend a slut?

uma piranhazinha q vai pro carnaval do nordeste sem tapa sex e assiste bdsm

[FORTY] Is hard drugs a turn off?
n sei kk depende do signo falei

[FORTY-ONE] Are you happy with life right now?

[FORTY-THREE] Are you still in love with your ex??

ai mari, pq isso fala tanto de ex? kkk puffff
claro que to

[FORTY-FOUR] Have you ever been the “other person” in a relationship?
kkkkkkk n, eu sou un1k4

[FORTY-FIVE] Have you ever had your heart broken?

toung heart breaks facil

[FORTY-SIX] Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
sim kkk acho que do cabral
mas já era esperado

[FORTY-SEVEN] Is there anybody you’re really disappointed in?

ngm nunca falou nd..

[FORTY-EIGHT] Where is your best friend?
dormindo no sofá

[FORTY-NINE] Something your happy about?
pela minha sorte, de ter um tanto de gente legal pra aprender e compartilhar kk mentira eu n compartilho pq n sei o que compartilhar

[FIFTY] How is your heart lately?
pura bulimia

mari, deveriamos fazer isso mais kk bj

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